• Book Review: Eyes on the Horizon, by Carrie Lynn Fazzolari

    I met Carrie Lynn Fazzolari at the Wildacres Writer’s Conference in 2010, and we have been friends on Facebook for most of the time after that.  Her book, Eyes on […]

    Read more: Book Review: Eyes on the Horizon, by Carrie Lynn Fazzolari
  • Tools of a Writer

    I’ve seen a few comments on social media in the past few weeks concerning writing and what makes a good writer and good written copy.  Most of what I’ve read […]

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  • The Adventure Story

    I just finished re-reading The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, the precursor to the well-known Lord of the Rings trilogy.  The Hobbit is an interesting book, filled with elves, goblins, trolls, […]

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  • To Quit or Not to Quit

    As someone who has come to writing lately—and I’m talking here about writing fiction, especially science fiction novels and short stories—after a career spent doing scientific research and writing scientific […]

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  • The First Writer

    Who was the first writer?  That is, who was the first person to set down on some surface—a rock, a leaf, a cave wall, in short, some surface that could […]

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  • Who Is A Person?

    Okay, now.  We’ve been told in recent months, if not in recent years, that we’re supposed to state our pronouns.  We’re supposed to tell everyone, and that includes everyone, what […]

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  • A Few More Thoughts On AI

    AI [Artificial Intelligence] is so hot these days (I’m writing this on 3/10/2024) I feel I have to comment on it.  Generally, I’m not too much in favor of writers […]

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  • Hooking The Reader

    One of the cardinal rules in writing, whether it be short or long, fiction or nonfiction, is that the writer is pretty much required to “hook” the reader right at […]

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  • Research And Novel Writing

    If you’re expecting this post to be about doing research for a novel you may have in the works, that’s nice and I applaud your incentive, but that’s not what […]

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  • Suspending Disbelief

    As a member of the science-fiction writing community, I have to deal with a phenomenon that probably comes up in our genre more often and much more strongly than in […]

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  • Six Grammar Miscues To Watch Out For

    I’m not a writer with many published works to my credit, but I have done a lot or reading—of books, articles, short stories, essays, even some poetry.  I’ve read most […]

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  • After You Press “Send”

    As an author of absolutely no repute whatsoever, I have a tendency to send out stories I have written to editors, agents, even magazines in an attempt to try and […]

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