• Notes And Commentary, Part 2

    Here are a few commentaries and observations designed to fill this space with words.  These are especially directed toward those of my readers who are writers. Which of the two […]

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  • Some Random Observations

    In this blog posting, I just want to make a few observations on a couple of aspects of writing.  To wit: First, I stopped at a  local Barnes and Noble […]

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  • The Writer And The App

    The November, 2017, issue of The Writer contains a couple of articles about apps for writers that can (potentially, at least) make the physical act of writing easier.  My first reaction when I […]

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  • Writing; Also Reading

    In the almost twenty years since I started writing fiction, I’ve noticed a change in the way I read that same genre.  I started my career as a scientist many, many years […]

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  • “I Couldn’t Put It Down”

    Have you ever read a book you liked so much you said to yourself (or to someone else), “I just couldn’t put it down”?  You meant, of course, that you liked […]

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  • So You Want To Be A Writer

    Not long ago I happened to overhear someone say they like to write, and were starting to write short stories.  They didn’t ask me this question specifically, but I began […]

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  • Some Of The Older Books

    In this Christmas season, I decided to look back at some of the books I’ve purchased or been given over the years.  Of all the books I have, two stand […]

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  • A Slight Disagreement

    I’ve been trying to get a science fiction novel published for over fifteen years now, and during that time I’ve learned a lot about the art and craft of writing.  […]

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  • Learning To Write By The Big Guys

    Have you seen the ads, on Facebook but elsewhere too, where some of the best known names in writing say they will teach you to write?  In some cases they […]

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  • Sending Stuff Out

    I just sent a short story to four journals.  Same short story; four literary journals.  Now comes the waiting part.  I may not hear from one or more of those journals for […]

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  • Learning From Donald Trump

    In this season of hotly contested political races, including the Presidential one, I think it’s interesting to sit back and try to learn something from all the commotion that surrounds them.  […]

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  • Words To Watch

    Readers of this blog are probably aware that I’ve written three science-fiction novels, though they haven’t been published yet.  I’m still trying to get an agent or editor interested in […]

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