• Tools of a Writer

    I’ve seen a few comments on social media in the past few weeks concerning writing and what makes a good writer and good written copy.  Most of what I’ve read […]

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  • To Quit or Not to Quit

    As someone who has come to writing lately—and I’m talking here about writing fiction, especially science fiction novels and short stories—after a career spent doing scientific research and writing scientific […]

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  • The First Writer

    Who was the first writer?  That is, who was the first person to set down on some surface—a rock, a leaf, a cave wall, in short, some surface that could […]

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  • A Slight Change

    If you are one of the few who used to read my blogsite on WordPress over the past few years, I have news for you.  That site has been shut […]

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  • Research And Novel Writing

    If you’re expecting this post to be about doing research for a novel you may have in the works, that’s nice and I applaud your incentive, but that’s not what […]

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  • Six Grammar Miscues To Watch Out For

    I’m not a writer with many published works to my credit, but I have done a lot or reading—of books, articles, short stories, essays, even some poetry.  I’ve read most […]

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  • After You Press “Send”

    As an author of absolutely no repute whatsoever, I have a tendency to send out stories I have written to editors, agents, even magazines in an attempt to try and […]

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  • The Trauma Past

    In an article published in the New Yorker in 2022, Parul Sehgal talked about what he called the “trauma plot,” which uses the traumatic background of a character’s backstory as […]

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  • The Summer of 2019

    Well, the summer of 2019 is upon us and many things have slowed down.  People take vacations and try to get away from the hubbub of daily life.  Schools are […]

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  • The Hardest Part About Writing

    This particular post is directed largely to my writing friends, though many of you who are not writers—that is, writers in a more or less full-time sense—might get a similar take-away […]

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  • Sci-fi Worldbuilding: Anthropology

    I just got back from the 2018 edition of the Pike’s Peak Writers Conference, (#PPWC2018) and had a great time.  As usual.  Lots of good sessions on many different aspects […]

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  • Tension And Conflict In Writing X 2

    During the past year (2017) I published on this blog two entries about tension and conflict in writing.  If you’re a writer at almost any phase of your career, you’ve certainly […]

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