• AI and Me

    I don’t know what I think about AI (“artificial intelligence” for the uninitiated).  Like any new advance in technology, especially technology of computers, it has the power to be useful […]

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  • What Should Science Fiction Do?

    I’m a science fiction writer.  While only a very few people have read any of my works, (mainly editors and critique group members), I do have wide-ranging opinions on the […]

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  • Mental Telepathy In Science Fiction

    I’m currently working on a story of about 23,000 words (that makes it a “novella” or “novelette,” depending on your definition) that has to do with humans from Earth who […]

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  • Space Opera: A Definition

    I have had, over the past 20 years or so that I’ve been trying to write science fiction, and on one or two occasions, to answer the question, “What is […]

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  • Where Are They? – Part 2

    In the previous entry in this series of blog posts about the possibility of alien life in our galaxy, and especially about such life visiting us here, I speculated about the […]

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  • Where Are They? Part 1

    This is likely to be the first of three postings on a topic that has intrigued me for several years—the prospect of intelligent life on other planets.  Enrico Fermi posed […]

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  • Bubonicon 50 – 2018

    Well, the Bubonicon Science Fiction convention #50 here in Albuquerque, NM is over for 2018.  It ran from August 24 to 26, and as I do every year, I attended as much of […]

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  • Suspending Disbelief

    If you read much fiction, especially science fiction or fantasy, you may have heard of the phrase “the willing suspension of disbelief.”  It’s used to indicate a willingness on the […]

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  • Sci-fi Worldbuilding: Anthropology

    I just got back from the 2018 edition of the Pike’s Peak Writers Conference, (#PPWC2018) and had a great time.  As usual.  Lots of good sessions on many different aspects […]

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  • Some Random Observations

    In this blog posting, I just want to make a few observations on a couple of aspects of writing.  To wit: First, I stopped at a  local Barnes and Noble […]

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  • Ideas

    A few days ago I watched the second half of a movie from 1974, called “The White Dawn,” about three whalers, two Caucasian and one African American (played by Warren […]

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  • The High Tension of Life

    In this blog post I want to talk a little about putting tension and conflict into story telling.  I’ve just  completed reading two science fiction novels (written by the same author) in which […]

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