• The Introverted Writer On The Internet

    As a somewhat introverted person and aspiring novelist, I have a tendency to sit in front of a computer and watch the world go by electronically. (Isn’t it amazing what […]

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  • Science vs. Politics: A Personal View

    I’m not by nature a political person.  I do have my own strongly held convictions on the political issues of the day, and I vote in every election I can get my […]

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  • Affect vs. Impact

    Recently, over I-don’t-know-how-many-years, maybe ten, the word “impact” has become a verb.  It’s now commonplace to hear how something “impacted” something else.  We even hear it used on the usually staid evening […]

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  • Life On Venus?

    Could life ever arise on the planet Venus?  That is, Venus as it exists today.  Venus is a hellish place, with temperatures of around 462°C at the surface, rain composed of sulfuric […]

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  • So You Want To Be A Writer

    Not long ago I happened to overhear someone say they like to write, and were starting to write short stories.  They didn’t ask me this question specifically, but I began […]

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  • Some Of The Older Books

    In this Christmas season, I decided to look back at some of the books I’ve purchased or been given over the years.  Of all the books I have, two stand […]

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  • A Slight Disagreement

    I’ve been trying to get a science fiction novel published for over fifteen years now, and during that time I’ve learned a lot about the art and craft of writing.  […]

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  • Learning To Write By The Big Guys

    Have you seen the ads, on Facebook but elsewhere too, where some of the best known names in writing say they will teach you to write?  In some cases they […]

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  • Sending Stuff Out

    I just sent a short story to four journals.  Same short story; four literary journals.  Now comes the waiting part.  I may not hear from one or more of those journals for […]

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  • Obsolete, Part 2

    Two years ago (see my post of 9/14/2014, “Obsolete”) I posted about words that are going out of style.  Words such as “actress” and “comedienne” are disappearing because of the […]

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  • All The Stuff We Throw Away

    Several weeks ago the apartment complex where I live suffered a breakdown of its trash pickup system.  Normally, trash is emptied from the dumpsters on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  That means, […]

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  • Learning From Donald Trump

    In this season of hotly contested political races, including the Presidential one, I think it’s interesting to sit back and try to learn something from all the commotion that surrounds them.  […]

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