• Where Are They? Part 3

    In the first two entries in this series of brief examinations of the difficulty of traveling in outer space to new planets and stars and worlds, I looked at how […]

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  • Where Are They? – Part 2

    In the previous entry in this series of blog posts about the possibility of alien life in our galaxy, and especially about such life visiting us here, I speculated about the […]

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  • Where Are They? Part 1

    This is likely to be the first of three postings on a topic that has intrigued me for several years—the prospect of intelligent life on other planets.  Enrico Fermi posed […]

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  • Bubonicon 50 – 2018

    Well, the Bubonicon Science Fiction convention #50 here in Albuquerque, NM is over for 2018.  It ran from August 24 to 26, and as I do every year, I attended as much of […]

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  • The United States Space Force

    In recent weeks (I’m writing this on August 19, 2018) we’ve heard from the President of the United States that he wants the US to set up a “Space Force,” for what […]

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  • Getting Started

    Are you having trouble thinking up a good plot for your next story?  There are many ways of doing that, of course, but here’s one way writers have used for […]

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  • An Ending To Think About

    I had a chance a few months ago to see (twice, as a matter of fact) the movie “The Bridges at Toko-Ri” on television.  These were the first times I had […]

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  • Strong Women And Book Covers

    A few weeks ago I attended a writers conference (or writer’s conference, I’m never sure which is correct) and one of the topics discussed was that of book covers.  The cover […]

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  • Suspending Disbelief

    If you read much fiction, especially science fiction or fantasy, you may have heard of the phrase “the willing suspension of disbelief.”  It’s used to indicate a willingness on the […]

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  • All Those Humanoids Out There

    With all the advances in astronomy over the past quarter century, we’ve learned a lot about the universe, especially about out own galaxy, the Milky Way, and even more about the […]

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  • The Capital Letter “I”

    Of all the words in the English language, the capital letter “I” has to be one of the easiest to type.  I suppose the lower case word “a” is even […]

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  • Truth – A Personal Definition

    Several weeks ago I attended a talk where the speaker made a comment I think worth repeating.  I’m putting it into my own words here, but the comment was to the effect […]

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