• It’s a Challenge

    Writing is a challenge.  Lots of things are challenges.  Life itself is a challenge. I just received the latest copy of the alumni magazine from the college I attended.  (Never […]

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  • Challenger, Columbia …

    In this day and age, as so many Americans are taken to the hospital or the morgue because of gunshot wounds, it’s not supposed to be appropriate to appear vitriolic […]

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  • A Time and a Place for Everything …

    I’ve read a lot of articles and books about writing, and most of those have had at least one nugget of useful information for a beginning writer.  But I’ve also read a few […]

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  • Redundancies-what, again?

    Back on 12/7/2010, I posted an entry about redundancies, and suggested that writers should be careful to check their work to avoid petty redundancies that detract from the message of […]

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  • Composing a Story

    I read somewhere, and not to long ago either, that every story, no matter how short, should have a plot and a subplot.  At first, I thought this might be difficult for […]

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  • Dimensionality

    As a new writer with little publication credit, I’ve been told the characters in my book must be fully three-dimensional in order for the reader to identify with them.  And identify […]

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  • The Character’s the Thing

    As a writer of fiction, I have yet to be published.  I’m still learning how to write believable fiction, feeling my way along the pathway to publication.  I’ve read books […]

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  • Book Review: The Grand Design

    I picked up a copy of “The Grand Design” by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow several weeks ago and read it in a few days.  It’s not a big book as […]

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  • Redundancies

    Do you use redundancies in your writing?  I do. A redundancy is defined (in my dictionary, at least) as “superfluous repetition,” or “the part of a message that can be […]

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  • The Read’s the Thing

    Do you like to read?  I do. As I mentioned last week, I’ve gotten settled in Albuquerque, and I can now finally get back to life as usual after the hassle […]

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  • Back to Work

         Well, here I am in Albuquerque.      I arrived late in October, and have spent the last several weeks getting settled into my new (I use the term “new” loosely) […]

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  • New Worlds

    An article appeared on Space.com a few days ago about a newly discovered planet, Gliese 581g.  If you’re not familiar with new planets, this planet (called an extrasolar planet because it’s […]

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