• As I Sit Here…

    A new family moved into the apartment above me last week.  When I moved into my apartment last Fall, I was foolish enough to request a first-floor unit in order to […]

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  • The Borders are Changing

    I stopped at the local Borders bookstore this morning.  They’re having a going-out-of-business sale, so I picked up a science fiction novel edited by George R.R. Martin.  (He’s the editor […]

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  • A New Milepost

    Well, I finally heard from the editor who was looking over the manuscript of my first novel.  Most of the regular readers of this blog are probably aware that I’ve […]

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  • It’s the Little Things That Count

    I’m no expert in the art of writing, but I’ve noticed that in many of the things I’ve read over the past several years, whether fiction, nonfiction, how-to articles, whatever (while […]

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  • Changing the Book

    What’s a book anymore?  If you, like me, spend long hours hunched over a computer keyboard (or a typewriter or a pad of paper), struggling to put words down that […]

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  • Enter the Gatekeeper

    I’m going to go out on a limb in this blog and propose something that everybody will almost certainly reject.  I think blogging and self-publishing need some sort of gatekeeper. The explosion in self-publishing […]

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  • Regular or Self?

    As the time approaches for the editor who’s taking a look at my first novel to make his report (I hope it’s either good or bad, not indifferent) I find myself wondering […]

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  • Violate the Rules

    You’ve probably heard the old maxim, “Rules are made to be violated.”  Sadly, many of us take this to an extreme sometimes: don’t run red lights, don’t turn left from […]

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  • Contemplations

    Here’s a few things I’ve been thinking about for the past week or so. This past Friday I went to the bookstore to get another book to read.  I bought […]

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  • First vs. Third

    This posting is an update on the progress of my trilogy of science fiction novels about the inhabitants of the planet Anthanos.  I’ve titled them The Anthanian Imperative (an explanation of […]

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  • Definitely Not Twins

    Last Friday evening I watched, for the first time, the movie The Social Network, about how Mark Zuckerberg created the social networking site, Facebook.  (Full disclosure here, I have a page on […]

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  • Hiding in a Drawer

    A recent blog by Nathan Bransford (www.nathanbransford.com) caught my attention a few days ago and gave me a topic to write about in this week’s blog.  He, and a lot […]

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