• So You Want To Be An Author

    To my mind, there’s a difference between a “writer” and an “author.”  They’re not mutually exclusive, but they are separable.  A writer is anyone who writes, but an author is […]

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  • The Bigger They Are…

    I’m not much of a mathematician, but I’ve never been intimidated by numbers or the different ways we manipulate numbers, which is really what mathematics is all about.  I’ve just never […]

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  • Living Around

    A couple of Nova programs on PBS last night got me to thinking.  Always a dangerous concept.  But these two programs were all about the possibility of life on other planets, […]

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  • The Light at the End of the Tunnel

    Well, the end is near.  At least the end of the writing phase of my first novel, The Anthanian Imperative–Blue.  If you’re new to this blog, I’ve been working on […]

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  • Euphemisms

    A euphemism is a substituting of a mild or inoffensive word or phrase for one that’s unpleasant or offensive.  Two weeks ago, a friend of mine commented on one of […]

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  • Hollywood and the Big Bang

    Do you watch “The Big Bang Theory”?  I have, but stay tuned, I’ve got more to say. I didn’t watch it until it went on re-runs a few weeks ago, […]

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  • African and American?

    I don’t particularly like the term “African-American.”  My reasons have nothing to do with racism and before you go off half-cocked and accuse me of political incorrectness, let me say […]

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  • Literature and 9/11

    I’ve never been a politically oriented person.  I don’t hold politicians in much high regard, and I do as little as I can to have anything to do with them, though […]

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  • From Bubonicon 43

    Last weekend (August 26-28, 2011) I attended the science fiction conference here in Albuquerque, Bubonicon 43.  This is my third year to attend and they’re always entertaining and informative.  A […]

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  • Science–A Life

    I’ve been a scientist for quite a while now.  Over fifty screwed-up years.  I guess you could say my life as a scientist started in high school.  About that time I began […]

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  • Krutch

    I was just reminded (a few minutes ago by a post on Facebook by the Sierra Club) of the importance of wilderness to our civilization.  The reminder took the form […]

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  • Are We Really Alone?

    I’ve noticed that a number of articles and news stories have appeared in recent months about the possibility of life on other planets, including the physics behind the possibility and the […]

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