• One Thing After Another

    Have you ever heard the old expression, “If it isn’t one thing, it’s something else.”?  Writing a book, actually writing anything, is a good way to come up against that […]

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  • Writing: Good vs. Bad

    I’ve been reading Tea Obreht’s book, The Tiger’s Wife, this past week, and it’s brought up a point about writing I’ve been thinking about ever since I got into this […]

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  • A Writers Conference

    I just got back from attending a writers conference at the University of New Mexico, and here are a few thoughts about it.  Just a one-day affair with a box […]

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  • A Picture and a Few Words

    There’s an unusual aspect of the English language (and perhaps other languages as well) that I’ve noticed the past several months.  I’ve identified a concept we need a good word for because […]

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  • Risk Taking

    I’ve come to the conclusion that becoming a writer is a risky business.  The important word here is “business,” not so much the word “risky,” though that’s a part of it.  […]

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  • It Just Keeps Getting Bigger…

    I’m always surprised at the things that go on in our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy.  In the past year or so, in the reading I do sporadically about the stars […]

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  • Agent Queries, an Update

    Well, I’m back at the computer keyboard after a week off from blogging.  I had something else that kept me away last Sunday (March 18) so I didn’t get a […]

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  • “Blackout,” a Review

    Blackout” is a book by the science fiction writer Connie Willis, and I just finished reading it and thought I’d write down a few comments.  First, it’s a relatively large book, 491 […]

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  • Poetry

    I’m not much of a poet.  Back in the early years of the twenty-first century, I tried my hand at writing some poetry, and I even read a few of […]

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  • Earth vs. Humans

    What’s more important to you–the Earth itself, or humankind?  Personally, I go with the Earth. When I listen to the candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, I get the impression they are […]

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  • The Long and/or Short of It

    As many of you know who read my blogs, I’m trying to get a science-fiction novel published by the traditional method, namely, by getting an agent who will sell it to […]

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  • Life–A New Definition, Part 2

    Back on March 13, 2011, I wrote a short blog about the inevitability of the formation of “life” on a planet, any planet, given the right circumstances.  You can define […]

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