• Using a Thesaurus

    As a writer, I’m constantly putting words down, either on paper or on a computer screen.  Usually in some sort of order, as in a sentence or a meaningful phrase, though […]

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  • Bubonicon 46

    Well, Bubonicon 46 is over.  The Albuquerque science-fiction convention (The “Con”) was held in early August this year to give attendees the chance to go to other conventions around the world, especially the […]

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  • The Others Out There

    A few weeks ago I finished reading David Waltham’s book, Lucky Planet, and I’d like to comment on it in this blog post.  This is not in the nature of […]

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  • Bugs On Other Planets

    One topic that comes up frequently in discussions of life on other planets is the question of how life got started on Earth in the first place.  Did it develop […]

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  • The Mask, Revisited

    Back on April 11, 2011, I wrote a blog on using a mask (like, for example, a surgical mask over the nose and mouth) to protect yourself from the obnoxious […]

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  • The Agent/Writer Disconnect

    I’m no expert on the topic I’m going to talk about here today, but I do have an opinion, and like all of us opinionated bloggers, I’m going to share […]

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  • Write What You Know

    The title of this little post is a command issued to all new writers as they first try their hand at putting clear, compelling words, sentences and paragraphs on paper.  “Write […]

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  • Zero

    Have you ever considered the zero?  (0) The zero is a unique digit.  It indicates nothing, that is, that nothing exists.  It’s the starting point for counting, or to put […]

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  • Normal…Or Not?

    I finished reading a science-fiction novel a few days ago, a book I enjoyed reading and highly recommend.  It’s called The Speed of Dark, by Elizabeth Moon, originally published in […]

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  • Married Or Single?

    Something I’ve wondered about for a long time: why do we make a distinction between married women and single women in speech and writing?  That is, why do we use the […]

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  • The Summer Movies

    I had the occasion a few days ago to attend a meeting where the topic of discussion was a preview of some of the movies that will be coming out in […]

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  • Theme

    Well, I got back from the Pike’s Peak Writers Conference in Colorado Springs about a week and a half ago, and I thought I’d write down a few conclusions from […]

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