• H. G. Wells Got It Right

    Earlier this year, I wrote a blog post about not contaminating other worlds with Earth-bound microbes.  Let’s keep planets that might have microbial forms of life free of our own […]

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  • The One-Way Trip

    There’s a Dutch nonprofit corporation called Mars One which has put forward a plan to send a team of humans to Mars in or around 2025.  The trip is a […]

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  • Disparate Styles

    A few weeks ago I finished reading one science fiction book and started another.  The one I finished was Old Man’s War, by John Scalzi, (Tor paperback, 2005), and the […]

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  • All That Life Out There

    A few weeks ago (October 12, 2014) I wrote a blog post about the immense distances between stars and their planetary systems.  The distances are so large as to make […]

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  • A Few Thoughts On Ebola

    Here’s  few ideas that popped into my head over the past few days about the presence of ebola disease in the United States.  Keep in mind, a lot of the […]

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  • All Those Civilizations Out There

    I read an interesting article on Yahoo News a few days ago and I thought I’d comment on it.  Entitled “Aliens May Be Out There, But Too Distant For Contact,” […]

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  • All Those Scientists Out There…

    As I mentioned in a previous post this past August, I attended Bubonicon 46 here in Albuquerque, and had a great time.  One interesting topic that came up in one […]

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  • Don’t Never Use A Double Negative

    As the title implies, this blog post is about double negatives.  You’re not supposed to use them, right?  Well, most of the time they’re not appropriate.  Generally they don’t sound […]

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  • Obsolete

    As language progresses, some words go out of style.  Some words disappear completely, while some become meaningless, that is, they’ve lost their meaning out of disregard or displacement.  The recent death […]

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  • You And Yourself

    Someone asked me a few days ago how much of myself I put into my writing.  I replied that was a hard question to answer.  And even having thought about it […]

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  • Learn From Writers

    If you’ve done much writing, you may have seen articles in writing magazines or online or such about what writers can learn from this, that or the other.  They may […]

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  • Building A House

    As the title says, we’re building a house in this blog post.  And by “house” I actually mean a “novel.”  That’s because writing a novel is like building a house.  […]

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