• The Seated Writer

    In this day and age, we hear a lot about exercise.  It’s considered important for overall health.  Get up and get out, we are told.  Walk, jog, bicycle, whatever, but […]

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  • Measles Vaccine (What? Again?)

    Much has been made in the past couple of weeks of Senator Rand Paul’s (R-KY) comments about the neurological complications of the measles vaccine.  He recanted his ill-advised comments several […]

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  • Measles Vaccine, Part Two

    No, the title of this post doesn’t mean I’ve posted before about the measles vaccine.  In fact, I’ve never said anything about measles or the vaccine in these little essays […]

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  • Historic versus Historical

      I was at Chaco Culture National Historical Park several years ago to help the Sierra Club do some routine maintenance around the Park.  Things that the regular staff doesn’t […]

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  • Books And Fireworks

    Have you noticed?  Books are subtle. Books—and I’m speaking here mostly of novels—don’t come with fireworks.  They don’t come with bands or loud music or spectacular displays or shouting pitchmen.  Granted, […]

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  • “Wild” and The Author

    I went to see the movie “Wild” a few weeks ago and enjoyed it a lot.  If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it highly.  Two Oscar nominations have come from this […]

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  • Communication

    I got to thinking today (always a bad sign) about how I would start a class on writing.  That is, suppose I had to teach a class on writing to total novices, […]

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  • Revision

    Revision.  For a writer, what is it and what’s involved? If you’re a writer, like I’m (unsuccessfully so far) trying to be, revision, in most cases, will occupy the greatest segment […]

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  • Computers And Literature

    What do you think?  Will a computer ever be able to write a novel?  Or paint a masterpiece?  Or compose a great symphony?  Or any symphony? Limiting this discussion to […]

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  • All That Life Out There, Part 2

    Several times I’ve written in this blog about the possibility of life on other planets in the Milky Way Galaxy.  (Or other galaxies for that matter.)  It’s almost certain that […]

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  • Be It Ever So Humble . . .

    What’s the hardest part of writing for a writer, especially an unpublished one?  The hardest part for me is staying humble. I haven’t found it particularly difficult to force myself to sit […]

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  • The Logical Structure Of Science Fiction

    I write science fiction.  I also read science fiction—the two go hand-in-hand.  Most of the sci-fi I read has been published by well-known publishing houses, and is reasonably good, though […]

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