• “Viruses” In The Environment

    Over the past few weeks or so, I’ve noticed on Facebook several posts about how climate change has caused warming in the northern parts of the Earth, especially in northern […]

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  • The High Tension of Life

    In this blog post I want to talk a little about putting tension and conflict into story telling.  I’ve just  completed reading two science fiction novels (written by the same author) in which […]

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  • The Final Revision?

    I’ve just finished a serious and rather lengthy revision of my first novel, a science fiction work of—in its final form—about 124,000 words.  This revision was prompted by reading about and […]

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  • Where Are You?

    The title of this post isn’t meant to ask where you are in a spatial location, but in terms of time.  Where are you—where are we all, for that matter—in the […]

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  • The Caine Mutiny, A Critique

    A few days ago I watched the movie “The Caine Mutiny,” for about the fourth or fifth time.  A great movie, and a solid member of my Favorite Movies list.  […]

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  • The Introverted Writer On The Internet

    As a somewhat introverted person and aspiring novelist, I have a tendency to sit in front of a computer and watch the world go by electronically. (Isn’t it amazing what […]

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  • Science vs. Politics: A Personal View

    I’m not by nature a political person.  I do have my own strongly held convictions on the political issues of the day, and I vote in every election I can get my […]

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  • Affect vs. Impact

    Recently, over I-don’t-know-how-many-years, maybe ten, the word “impact” has become a verb.  It’s now commonplace to hear how something “impacted” something else.  We even hear it used on the usually staid evening […]

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  • Life On Venus?

    Could life ever arise on the planet Venus?  That is, Venus as it exists today.  Venus is a hellish place, with temperatures of around 462°C at the surface, rain composed of sulfuric […]

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  • So You Want To Be A Writer

    Not long ago I happened to overhear someone say they like to write, and were starting to write short stories.  They didn’t ask me this question specifically, but I began […]

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  • Some Of The Older Books

    In this Christmas season, I decided to look back at some of the books I’ve purchased or been given over the years.  Of all the books I have, two stand […]

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  • A Slight Disagreement

    I’ve been trying to get a science fiction novel published for over fifteen years now, and during that time I’ve learned a lot about the art and craft of writing.  […]

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