• Strong Women And Book Covers

    A few weeks ago I attended a writers conference (or writer’s conference, I’m never sure which is correct) and one of the topics discussed was that of book covers.  The cover […]

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  • Suspending Disbelief

    If you read much fiction, especially science fiction or fantasy, you may have heard of the phrase “the willing suspension of disbelief.”  It’s used to indicate a willingness on the […]

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  • All Those Humanoids Out There

    With all the advances in astronomy over the past quarter century, we’ve learned a lot about the universe, especially about out own galaxy, the Milky Way, and even more about the […]

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  • The Capital Letter “I”

    Of all the words in the English language, the capital letter “I” has to be one of the easiest to type.  I suppose the lower case word “a” is even […]

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  • Truth – A Personal Definition

    Several weeks ago I attended a talk where the speaker made a comment I think worth repeating.  I’m putting it into my own words here, but the comment was to the effect […]

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  • Sci-fi Worldbuilding: Anthropology

    I just got back from the 2018 edition of the Pike’s Peak Writers Conference, (#PPWC2018) and had a great time.  As usual.  Lots of good sessions on many different aspects […]

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  • Tension And Conflict In Writing X 2

    During the past year (2017) I published on this blog two entries about tension and conflict in writing.  If you’re a writer at almost any phase of your career, you’ve certainly […]

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  • Fees–Great And Small

    Over the past several months (late 2017 and early 2018), I’ve sent out several short stories to literary magazines around the country.  Some submissions were simply in consideration for publication, […]

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  • How Does He Do It?

    As a science fiction writer, I usually find in necessary to keep up with much of the ground-breaking work that goes on in the fields of astronomy and particle physics and […]

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  • Notes And Commentary, Part 2

    Here are a few commentaries and observations designed to fill this space with words.  These are especially directed toward those of my readers who are writers. Which of the two […]

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  • Writers and Paper

    I’m curious.  What will writers do without paper? In our growing environmentally conscious society, the reduction of paper in the workplace has already begun.  We’re supposed to reduce the amount […]

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  • The Power Of Words

    During this Christmas season, I listen—along with everybody else—to all the Christmas music that’s played on the radio and at the malls, and as always it brings back memories of all […]

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