• Book Review: The Grand Design

    I picked up a copy of “The Grand Design” by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow several weeks ago and read it in a few days.  It’s not a big book as […]

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  • Redundancies

    Do you use redundancies in your writing?  I do. A redundancy is defined (in my dictionary, at least) as “superfluous repetition,” or “the part of a message that can be […]

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  • The Read’s the Thing

    Do you like to read?  I do. As I mentioned last week, I’ve gotten settled in Albuquerque, and I can now finally get back to life as usual after the hassle […]

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  • Back to Work

         Well, here I am in Albuquerque.      I arrived late in October, and have spent the last several weeks getting settled into my new (I use the term “new” loosely) […]

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  • New Worlds

    An article appeared on Space.com a few days ago about a newly discovered planet, Gliese 581g.  If you’re not familiar with new planets, this planet (called an extrasolar planet because it’s […]

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  • Imagination

    What is imagination?  Got any ideas? A dictionary definition of imagination might be the power to create something in one’s mind; or to form a mental image of something not present to the […]

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  • You are what you write

    Do you use Facebook?  Do you send emails?  Do you Tweet?  [God save us all from that word.]  Do you blog, or comment on someone else’s blog?  Do you leave […]

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  • The Exclamation Point

    Do you like the exclamation point?  I do. As a beginning writer, I’ve heard several admonitions about using exclamation points.  Elmore Leonard says you’re allowed no more than two or three […]

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  • Show; don’t tell … or maybe not

    One of the most common maxims doled out to new writers (like me) is the tried, true and worn dictum, “Show; don’t tell.”  Personally, I don’t care much for it. […]

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  • It just gets thrown away…

    I really like my garbage can, don’t you?  The person who invented the garbage can should get a Nobel prize.  It’s always there when I  need it, stashed comfortably beneath my sink.  […]

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  • Bubonicon 42

    I just got back from Bubonicon 42, the science fiction convention sponsored by the New Mexico Science Fiction Conference, held in Albuquerque August 27-29.  Interesting convention (usually abbreviated as “con”).  The theme […]

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  • Inspiration

    Do you believe in inspiration?  I do. I’m using “inspiration” to mean a thought coming to you suddenly, appearing fully formed in your brain without having to think about it or do […]

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