• The Driving Force

    As a writer, I’m curious.  What is it about writing that drives us?  Why do we sit in front of a computer or a pad of paper or a typewriter, […]

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  • Life–A New Definition

    What is “Life?”  Have you ever thought about it (outside of high school biology class)?  I’ve been thinking about it lately, and a new concept has occurred to me.  I’d […]

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  • Book Review: Solar, by Ian McEwan

    Ian McEwan is not one of my favorite writers, but that’s because I’ve read only one of his books, Solar.  On the other hand, if all his books are written […]

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  • Our Next-door Neighbors

    Are we alone in this universe?  Certainly not. Are we alone in this galaxy?  Again, no, though the chances are a miniscule bit higher. One question that seems to dominate […]

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  • The Language of Science Fiction

    What language is your novel written in?  English?  Mine too. But I write science fiction, and that brings up a special point.  If a sci-fi novel is written in the […]

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  • It’s a Challenge

    Writing is a challenge.  Lots of things are challenges.  Life itself is a challenge. I just received the latest copy of the alumni magazine from the college I attended.  (Never […]

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  • Challenger, Columbia …

    In this day and age, as so many Americans are taken to the hospital or the morgue because of gunshot wounds, it’s not supposed to be appropriate to appear vitriolic […]

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  • A Time and a Place for Everything …

    I’ve read a lot of articles and books about writing, and most of those have had at least one nugget of useful information for a beginning writer.  But I’ve also read a few […]

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  • Redundancies-what, again?

    Back on 12/7/2010, I posted an entry about redundancies, and suggested that writers should be careful to check their work to avoid petty redundancies that detract from the message of […]

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  • Composing a Story

    I read somewhere, and not to long ago either, that every story, no matter how short, should have a plot and a subplot.  At first, I thought this might be difficult for […]

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  • Dimensionality

    As a new writer with little publication credit, I’ve been told the characters in my book must be fully three-dimensional in order for the reader to identify with them.  And identify […]

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  • The Character’s the Thing

    As a writer of fiction, I have yet to be published.  I’m still learning how to write believable fiction, feeling my way along the pathway to publication.  I’ve read books […]

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