• Violate the Rules

    You’ve probably heard the old maxim, “Rules are made to be violated.”  Sadly, many of us take this to an extreme sometimes: don’t run red lights, don’t turn left from […]

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  • Contemplations

    Here’s a few things I’ve been thinking about for the past week or so. This past Friday I went to the bookstore to get another book to read.  I bought […]

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  • First vs. Third

    This posting is an update on the progress of my trilogy of science fiction novels about the inhabitants of the planet Anthanos.  I’ve titled them The Anthanian Imperative (an explanation of […]

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  • Definitely Not Twins

    Last Friday evening I watched, for the first time, the movie The Social Network, about how Mark Zuckerberg created the social networking site, Facebook.  (Full disclosure here, I have a page on […]

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  • Hiding in a Drawer

    A recent blog by Nathan Bransford (www.nathanbransford.com) caught my attention a few days ago and gave me a topic to write about in this week’s blog.  He, and a lot […]

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  • HeLa Cells Revisited

    A year ago, in May, 2010, I posted a blog entry about the book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot.  It’s a personal history of Ms. Skloot on what […]

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  • A Lesson from the Past

    A few days ago, I was watching a PBS program on how the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes (1485-1547) conquered the Aztec population in what is now Mexico, and I was […]

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  • Ironic, isn’t it…

    How many words exist in the English language?  300,000?  500,000?  I don’t know, but I’m sure most of us use only a fraction of those words on a regular basis.  […]

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  • To Hyphenate or Not

    A recent mistake I made, coupled with some things I’ve read over the past few weeks has led me to use this space for a suggestion for the future. Several days ago […]

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  • The Mask’s the Thing

    As I’ve been watching the images of the destruction by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan over the past several weeks, I’ve been struck by one common factor among the Japanese people […]

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  • The New-found Writing

    What’s new about writing?  The computer?  Well, yes, largely. In the March/April issue of Poets and Writers, Ellen Pollack, director of the MFA program at the University of Michigan, wrote […]

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  • The IQ’s the thing…or is it?

    Recently I’ve seen a few news reports in which several people have claimed they have an IQ greater than Albert Einstein.  Einstein is a sort of benchmark, a point to compare yourself with.  […]

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