• “Blackout,” a Review

    Blackout” is a book by the science fiction writer Connie Willis, and I just finished reading it and thought I’d write down a few comments.  First, it’s a relatively large book, 491 […]

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  • Poetry

    I’m not much of a poet.  Back in the early years of the twenty-first century, I tried my hand at writing some poetry, and I even read a few of […]

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  • Earth vs. Humans

    What’s more important to you–the Earth itself, or humankind?  Personally, I go with the Earth. When I listen to the candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, I get the impression they are […]

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  • The Long and/or Short of It

    As many of you know who read my blogs, I’m trying to get a science-fiction novel published by the traditional method, namely, by getting an agent who will sell it to […]

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  • Life–A New Definition, Part 2

    Back on March 13, 2011, I wrote a short blog about the inevitability of the formation of “life” on a planet, any planet, given the right circumstances.  You can define […]

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  • Agent Saturation

    Here’s a short update on my attempts to find a literary agent for my first novel, a science fiction work, The Anthanian Imperative–Blue.  I’ve sent out sixty-seven query letters to today, mostly as […]

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  • SMON and the Destruction of a Career

    Have you ever heard of SMON?  I have. SMON stands for subacute myelo-optic neuropathy.  The disease doesn’t exist anymore, but it was prevalent during WWII in Japanese soldiers in the […]

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  • “It’s A Wonderful LIfe,” well, most of the time.

    A few days ago I decided to make a list of my favorite movies, around a hundred in all.  This wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment deal, I’d made a list several years ago, […]

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  • Kirk and McCoy–Let’s Get Real

    Over the years since it premiered in the mid-1960’s, Star Trek has been on TV almost continuously.  (I’m talking about the original series, not one of the spin-offs.)  I’ve seen […]

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  • Clyde Tombaugh and Pluto

    Much has been said and written over the past several years about the downgrading of the planet Pluto from its position as the ninth planet in our solar system to […]

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  • A Book or Two…

    Well, it sure feels good to get back to blogging again after a week off for Christmas.  Now that the new year has arrived, it’s time to look back at […]

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  • Proverb

    I don’t know where this proverb came from, but it expresses very well my views concerning environmental policy.  The only thing I know about it is that it is an Ancient Indian Proverb. […]

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