• Best of the Best

    What’s the biggest, most important invention/discovery/development ever in your lifetime?  Of everything that’s happened since you were born, what do you feel has been the most significant for mankind and […]

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  • The Theme’s the Thing

    Back in high school and even junior high and probably elementary school, we used to have to write “themes.”  Remember those?  I used to hate those damn things.  Many times they […]

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  • Outlining or Freestyle?

    Last week I posted my thoughts and comments about the Bubonicon 44 convention in Albuquerque the last full weekend of August, 2012.  I attended a number of author presentations, and in one presentations, I […]

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  • Bubonicon 44

    Well, Bubonicon 44 has come and gone.  That’s the local (Albuquerque area) convention of fans and authors of science fiction that took place August 24-26, 2012.  Always lots of fun, […]

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  • The Back-Up

    Yesterday I spent about a half an hour backing up my writing.  Not all of it actually, just the stories and other things that I’ve worked on for the past […]

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  • The Plot’s the Thing

    I’ve been sending out short stories over the past several months to those literary magazines which I thought might be likely to publish one of my stories.  This has required that I read two things […]

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  • Science and Fiction

    I’m a scientist by training, and perhaps even by inclination.  I’ve always liked reading true-life stories, stories about things that actually happened.  Growing up, I read some fiction, but most […]

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  • Copies All

    I was watching an episode of Antiques Roadshow a few days ago and an interesting phenomenon occurred to me.  The things that people bring to the Roadshow to be appraised […]

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  • Here today, gone tomorrow…

    I’ve heard over the past few weeks about a new wrinkle in publishing: books in which the ink disappears in a few weeks or months after you start reading.  That’s […]

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  • Hollywood and the Big Bang Redux

    Back on September 27, 2011, I blogged about the TV sit-com, The Big Bang Theory.  I suggested I might continue to watch it in reruns, but left the promise open.  […]

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  • Writing for Young Adults

    I heard a very interesting talk the other day at one of the regular meetings of SouthWest Writers.  The talk was given by Johnny D. Boggs, an accomplished western writer […]

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  • Breaking the Writing Rules

    Well, they say that rules are made to be broken.  Actually, rules are made to be followed and broken only at your own (and possibly someone else’s) risk.  This is […]

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