• The New Year Beckons…

    Well, the new year is here.  Now what? I’m not one to make many new year’s resolutions and this year I haven’t made any of what could be called a real resolution.  […]

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  • Juxtaposition

    I’ve been struck over the years I’ve been working with the English language, with phrases of (usually) two words which together produce an unusual “click” or sound in my mind that isn’t […]

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  • Inspiration

    As an aspiring writer, I’m always plagued by the fear that I won’t be able to come up with another idea for a story.  That applies to either a short story […]

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  • Walt Kelly

    Have you ever heard of Walt Kelly?  He’s the artist/writer who gave us the comic strip “Pogo” back in the 1950’s through the ’70’s.  I’ve been a fan of his […]

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  • ‘There’ and ‘It’–An Observation

    I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately, mostly for a course in science fiction I’m taking, and I’ve become more and more aware of a very common grammatical construction that […]

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  • Diversions

    Do you have a hobby? As a writer, I spend most of my writing time with my butt in a chair in front of a computer–like now–tapping black keys to make letters […]

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  • Lonelier and lonelier…

    Life just got lonelier in our Galaxy. According to a new study in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (yes, I know, nobody reads that) the chances of […]

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  • Back to the Past

    I read a poll of Russians taken approximately a year ago that said one-third of Russians believe the sun revolves around the Earth.  Now, it’s difficult to draw any substantial conclusions […]

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  • Back to the Moon

    I’ve been reading a book lately called “The Case for Mars,” by Robert Zubrin.  In it he lays out in considerable detail his plan to mount a manned expedition to […]

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  • All Those Old Guys

    When I first began writing (serious writing that is, for entertainment, not for scientific purposes or to hand in to a teacher) I heard that a serious, competent writer had to […]

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  • Fraud in Scientific Research

    I read an article on Yahoo News this past week about an increase in the number of fraudulent scientific papers published over the past thirty years.  The article was written by […]

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  • Revisiting an Old Classic

    I just finished reading one of the world’s great classic novels, Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson.  This isn’t the first time I’ve read it, nor the second or the […]

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