• The Orphan Planet

    Several months ago I read a story, probably on the Yahoo news, about a planet that doesn’t orbit any sun.  It’s just out there, moving through the darkness of outer space […]

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  • Not-so-hot Terminology

    Two terms about people in North America, one coined recently and one that’s been around for a while, have caught my eye and ear over the years and I’ve come […]

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  • History

    This blog post may be a little different from the ones I usually write.  Mostly I write about science or writing or the environment.  This time I want to get […]

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  • Who’s Really Human Anyway?

    About a month and a half ago I finished reading the Star Wars book, Kenobi, by John Jackson Miller.  This book, part of the long-running Star Wars saga, tells the story […]

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  • Daydreaming For Fun And Profit

    Writing is a form of daydreaming.  Actually, I like to daydream.  I could spend my whole life thinking up and thinking about stories, fictional as well as non-fictional.  Of course, […]

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  • More Than You Ever Imagined

    Astronomers like to project.  Now that sky studies have demonstrated that many other stars out there in our galaxy have planets orbiting around them, the race is on to find […]

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  • The Bad Guy Did It–Or Did He?

    If you’ve read much fiction, (or even written some of it), you may have noticed a common thread among all those stories.  If there is any sort of crime committed, usually […]

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  • One Strike And You’re Out

    If you watch TV or movies at all, even just a little bit, you’ve almost certainly come across an acting cliché that has bothered me for almost as long as […]

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  • Juxtapositions, Part Two

    On December 30, 2012, I wrote a posting on this blog about a merging of two words to form a weird or unusual combination, a mixture that isn’t present in […]

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  • The Vicarious Reader or Viewer

    If you could be a character in a novel or TV show or movie, what book or show would you pick? In this case, I’m suggesting that you insert yourself into […]

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  • Drowning In Plastic

    Perhaps you’ve heard, out in the Pacific Ocean somewhere between the US and Japan is a large accumulation of plastic items from all over the world.  From Asia as well […]

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  • I Just Got My Flu Shot

    Actually, the heading of this post is a little misleading because I got my flu shot about two weeks ago, but it makes a catchy title.  But it does reflect […]

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