• Zero

    Have you ever considered the zero?  (0) The zero is a unique digit.  It indicates nothing, that is, that nothing exists.  It’s the starting point for counting, or to put […]

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  • Normal…Or Not?

    I finished reading a science-fiction novel a few days ago, a book I enjoyed reading and highly recommend.  It’s called The Speed of Dark, by Elizabeth Moon, originally published in […]

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  • Married Or Single?

    Something I’ve wondered about for a long time: why do we make a distinction between married women and single women in speech and writing?  That is, why do we use the […]

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  • The Summer Movies

    I had the occasion a few days ago to attend a meeting where the topic of discussion was a preview of some of the movies that will be coming out in […]

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  • Theme

    Well, I got back from the Pike’s Peak Writers Conference in Colorado Springs about a week and a half ago, and I thought I’d write down a few conclusions from […]

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  • Shall Or Will–Which Will It Be?

    Which do you use?  “Shall?”  Or “will?”  Personally, I don’t use “shall” much at all. When I was in school, and this was many years ago, I was told that […]

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  • A Varied Opinion

    I had an interesting time at a writer’s conference yesterday.  I went primarily to pitch my novel (actually the trilogy of novels) to a representative of a well-known publishing house […]

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  • Adverbs Can Work

    For those of us who are beginning writers, one of the rules of modern-day writing (as opposed to 19th century writing, for example) that is so frequently beaten into our […]

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  • The Book Beat

    Do you remember the PBS show “Book Beat”?  It was on in the 1970’s, as I recall.  The host of the show was Bob Cromie, who worked for a long […]

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  • The Overstatement

    Fiction is basically an overstatement.  Or perhaps better terms would be exaggeration, or even caricature.  We writers do things in fiction that would be unlikely in real life.  Our characters […]

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  • One Space Or Two?

    For several years a debate has raged in writer’s and publisher’s circles about whether there should be one or two spaces after a period between sentences.  How do you stand? I […]

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  • Over The Top

    I’ve read a few science-fiction books in the past several years, many of which I’ve enjoyed, and a few of which I haven’t.  One of the most common things about […]

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