• Revision

    Revision.  For a writer, what is it and what’s involved? If you’re a writer, like I’m (unsuccessfully so far) trying to be, revision, in most cases, will occupy the greatest segment […]

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  • Computers And Literature

    What do you think?  Will a computer ever be able to write a novel?  Or paint a masterpiece?  Or compose a great symphony?  Or any symphony? Limiting this discussion to […]

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  • All That Life Out There, Part 2

    Several times I’ve written in this blog about the possibility of life on other planets in the Milky Way Galaxy.  (Or other galaxies for that matter.)  It’s almost certain that […]

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  • Be It Ever So Humble . . .

    What’s the hardest part of writing for a writer, especially an unpublished one?  The hardest part for me is staying humble. I haven’t found it particularly difficult to force myself to sit […]

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  • The Logical Structure Of Science Fiction

    I write science fiction.  I also read science fiction—the two go hand-in-hand.  Most of the sci-fi I read has been published by well-known publishing houses, and is reasonably good, though […]

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  • H. G. Wells Got It Right

    Earlier this year, I wrote a blog post about not contaminating other worlds with Earth-bound microbes.  Let’s keep planets that might have microbial forms of life free of our own […]

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  • The One-Way Trip

    There’s a Dutch nonprofit corporation called Mars One which has put forward a plan to send a team of humans to Mars in or around 2025.  The trip is a […]

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  • Disparate Styles

    A few weeks ago I finished reading one science fiction book and started another.  The one I finished was Old Man’s War, by John Scalzi, (Tor paperback, 2005), and the […]

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  • All That Life Out There

    A few weeks ago (October 12, 2014) I wrote a blog post about the immense distances between stars and their planetary systems.  The distances are so large as to make […]

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  • A Few Thoughts On Ebola

    Here’s  few ideas that popped into my head over the past few days about the presence of ebola disease in the United States.  Keep in mind, a lot of the […]

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  • All Those Civilizations Out There

    I read an interesting article on Yahoo News a few days ago and I thought I’d comment on it.  Entitled “Aliens May Be Out There, But Too Distant For Contact,” […]

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  • All Those Scientists Out There…

    As I mentioned in a previous post this past August, I attended Bubonicon 46 here in Albuquerque, and had a great time.  One interesting topic that came up in one […]

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